I'm Kenya
10 Weeks old
Colour: Tan and White
Breeds: Mixed Breed
Adoption Fee: $360
My Tale
10 weeks
A whole lot of personality and confidence. Loves a good belly rub, always brings a toy to be played with when she greets you.
Currently plays all day with her sister, and is very interested in playing with our 10yr old shih tzu who has little tolerance but knows when to back off and leave him alone.
Not fussed by the family rabbits that they have there run set up beside, has met the family cat and doesn’t bark or scare off at all.
Very confident around people and new places/spaces.
Is currently being fostered with 6 family members, kids ranging from 13 to 20.
Toilet and crate trained. Sleeps through the night from last toilet outing at 8.30pm to 6.30am.
Loves a good chew if left to be able to otherwise easily distracted. Good recall and very good driven.
From her up bringing she obviously had to hide anything she was given or she would loose it, she often tries to bury bones and toys in her crate blankets.
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