Mac **Adopted**
I'm Mac **Adopted**
2 years old
Colour: Tan and White
Breeds: Mixed Breed
Mixed Breed: Greyhound x
Auckland South,
My Tale
Mac is the coolest big boy, he is super fun loving and is just the happiest boy he always has a big goofy smile on his face. Mac has been with us 5days and we absolutely adore him already. I’ve taken to calling him legs because he seems to not be able to control his long lanky limbs
Mac is great with kids, playful with other dogs, good with cats but can be a bit cheeky and jump and bark at them at times but he knows he’s not allowed . Mac has great ears knows sit, down, roller over and will sit an wait patiently before being told he is allowed to dig in to his dinner, good on and off the lead. Mac would prefer his new owner to drive an automatic because he likes to lie with his head on your knee in the car
Mac is about 30kg, super tall and lanky, your guess is as good as mine on breed but I want to say some grey hound. The pound thought he was around 5years old but we think younger possibly 2-3years.
Adoption fee applies

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